Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rotavirus 34

Reoviruses are medium sized viruses with a segmented dsRNA genome. The family includes the human rotaviruses, the most important causes of infantile gastroenteritis around the world.

Rotavirus genome is surrounded with a double-layered protein coat giving the wheel appearance by electron microscope (Rota=wheel). It is transmitted via faeco-oral route. Incubation period is 1-4 days.

Lab Diagnosis

1 Exam of stools by electron microscope to detect the wheel like viral particles.
2 Detection of viral antigen in stools by serological tests.
3 Using rotavirus specific nuclei acid probe to detect virus particles in stools ( dot hybridization)
4 Demonstration rising titres of the serum antibodies by ELISA.

By restoring fluid and electrolyte balance.

-Hygienic measures to control faeco-oral infections
-Living attenuated accine is now available.

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