Thursday, December 17, 2009

Human papillomavirus53

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are non enveloped ds DNA viruses with icosahedral capsids, 45-55nm in diameter.

HPV s induce epithelial cell proliferation. Cutaneous HPV types are transmitted by direct contact or via fomites, while transmission of genital types is through sexual route.The majority of HPV infections are self limite, but certain genital HPV types result in malignant tumors and also certain types of HPV play a role in pathogenesis of non melanoma skin cancers.

Cutaneous infection with HPVs occurs usually during childhood and is usually self limited. It manifests as plantar warts in soles of the feet as well as common warts in hands and arms.These warts are benign. Flat warts and epidermodysplasia verruciforms are other skin lesions which may progress to carcinoma.

Mucosal HPVs primarily infect the anogenital tract epithelium. Genital tract HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted viral infection. Infections manifest as genital warts (condyloma acuminata) on the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis and anus, and laryngeal papilloma.


HPV ca not be cultivated and serologic tests are not yet available. So the following methods are used:
1.Histopathology examination
2.DNA detection by DNA hybridization or PCR.

Treatment and prevention
There is no specific antiviral therapy.
2 aprroved vaccines gardasil and cervarix

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