Sunday, January 3, 2010

Food borne illnesses and food poisoning

a)staph aureus

AF: Carbohydrate rich food e.g : cake, pasta and koskosi
Protein rich food: milk and its products

IP: very short 1-6hrs

SS: sever vomiting and diarrhoea but no fever

DR: 24-48hrs

LT: stools

b)salmonella enteritidis and S.typhimurium

AF : raw and undercooked eggs
contaminated poultry

IP: 8-48 hrs

SS: Sever diarrhoea, fever and abd cramps

DR: 4days or more


c)clostridium perfringens

AF: cooked meat stored at the inappropriate temperature

IP: 8-24 hrs

SS: Diarrhoea and abd cramps

DR: 24 hrs


d)clostridium botulinum

AF: Canned food, sausage, and salted fish

IP: 12-72hrs

SS: Diplopia, blurred vision, and bulbar weakness;paralysis

DR: Variable ( days to months)

e)bacillus cereus

e1)emetic form

AF: improperly refrigerated cooked or fried rice

IP: 1-6hrs

SS: vomiting and abd cramps

DR: 24hrs


e2) diarrhoeal form

AF: meat

IP: 6-24 hrs

SS: diarrhoea and abd cramps

DR: 24-48hrs


f)listeria monocytogenes

AF: fresh soft cheese
ready eat to meat

IP: 9-48hrs

SS: diarrhoea and abd cramps

DR: 24-48hrs


g)vibrio parahaemolyticus

AF: undercooked or raw seafood, such as fish , shellfish

IP: 2-48hrs

SS: watery diarrhoea, abd cramps, vomiting

DR: 2-5 days


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